Earning CPE Credits: A Guide for CISSP Holders

As a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), it is important to stay current with the latest industry developments and maintain your expertise in the field of information security. One way to do this is by earning Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to earn CPE credits as a CISSP holder.

Understanding CPE Credits

CPE credits are designed to help professionals in various industries, including information security, maintain their knowledge and skills through ongoing education.

Every CISSP holder is required to earn a minimum of 120 CPE credits within three years to maintain their certification. These credits can be earned through a variety of activities, including attending conferences, participating in webinars, writing articles, and teaching courses.

Finding Approved CPE Activities

To ensure that the CPE credits you earn are recognized by (ISC)², the organization responsible for the CISSP certification, it is important to choose activities that are approved.

A comprehensive list of approved CPE activities can be found on the (ISC)² website. Some of the most popular activities include attending industry conferences, participating in online courses, and presenting at industry events.

Documenting Your CPE Credits

Once you have earned CPE credits, it is important to properly document them. This involves providing a detailed description of the activity, the date it was completed, and the number of credits earned. It is recommended that you keep a record of all CPE activities and credits earned, as well as any supporting documentation such as certificates of completion or conference agendas.

If you are a member of the we will maintain all of the required records for every CPE credt that you earn on our platform.

Maximizing Your CPE Credit Earnings

In order to maximize your CPE credit earnings, it is recommended that you actively seek out opportunities to earn credits. This can include attending industry conferences, participating in online courses, and presenting at events.

It is also important to stay informed about the latest developments in the information security industry, as this can provide opportunities for you to earn CPE credits. For example, writing articles or whitepapers on current industry topics can earn you credits.


Earning CPE credits as a CISSP holder is an important part of maintaining your certification and staying current in the information security industry. By following this guide and seeking out approved CPE activities, you can ensure that you are meeting the requirements and earning the credits you need to maintain your CISSP certification.

By attending industry conferences, participating in online courses, and staying informed about the latest developments in the industry, you can maximize your CPE credit earnings and maintain your CISSP certification.

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